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Back to Blogging

15 Feb

Hey everyone I’m back and I mean it this time! So I announced in my last post the blog will start featuring posts with scrapbook and vinyl ideas for every all crafters. Regular blogging will begin Monday 18, 2013.

Happy Crafting!!


Hi Everyone

8 Dec

Hi everyone! I know its been a while since I have written a blog post, but it’s with good reason. Just a few days before I stopped blogging my mom decided to get two goats, and now we have a herd of goats along with other livestock. So I have been busy trying to help her get the ranch going. There are going to be a few changes to the blog. The blog is now going to have posts featuring scrapbooking and vinyl ideas to help any crafter out there, and of course I will try and post as often as I can when I can. Regular blogging will start again December 10, 2012

Happy Crafting!


Back to Posting

23 Jun

 Sorry I have not been posting lately, but I will begin posting regularly starting Monday. I will continue to post patterns, techniques, and stitches. I am in the middle of a pattern right now and will post the pattern and pictures of it when it is done.

Happy Stitching!

Craft Ally

Happy Stitching!

27 May

Hello i am Ally. I have been crocheting since i was four years old, and only knitting for 2 years now. I am starting this blog to help people with crocheting and knitting. I am always learning new stitches and techniques and will post as I learn. I do write my own patterns and will post them here after i test them.

Happy Stitching!

Craft Ally